

Anglo-German War 39-45 (AGW) is an operational level wargame that covers combat between the Axis and Allies from 1 September 1939 to 5 May 1945.

•    The AGW map is 294 x 264 hexes covering France to Poland, and Southern Finland to North Africa.
•    There are 1351 villages, towns and cities on the map.
•    Each hex is approximately 7.5 miles (center-to-center), and each turn is one historical week.
•    The ground units are primarily divisions and brigade level.
•    The game includes an ability to break/reform divisions into brigades and regiments.
•    Air and naval units are also included in the game.
•    There are 43 scenarios in the game
•    There is a text file method of building your own scenarios.


AGW Scenario list

1. Blitzkrieg 1939-1941
2. Poland 39
3. France 40
4. The Balkans 41
5. Operation Sealion

6. North Africa 1940-1943
7. Crete
8. Malta
9. Western Desert Force
10. 1941 Allied Africa Focus
11. Cyrenaica
12. Brevity and Battleaxe
13. Operation Crusader
14. Cyrenaica Again
15. The Cauldron and Tobruk
16. Matruh and Ruweisat Ridge

17. Alam Halfa
18. El Alamein and Pursuit
19. Operation Torch and Pursuit
20. Kasserine Pass
21. Victory in Africa

22. Italy 1943-1945
23. Sicily
24. Baytown, Slapstick, Avalanche
25. Gustav Line
26. Anzio, Rome
27. From Rome to the Gothic Line
28. To the Alps

29. France 1944-1945
30. 1943 D-Day
31. Overlord and Cotentin

32. St Lo Breakout
33. To the Seine
34. To the West Wall
35. Southern France
36. Market Garden, Aachen, Huertgen
37. Bulge and Nordwind

38. Germany 1945
39. Crossing the Rhine
40. To the Oder
41. To the Elbe
42. Gotterdamerung
43. AGW Campaign 1939-1945

Language: English
Unit Scale: Division, Brigade (primarily)
Players: 1 – 2
Hot seat: Yes
AI: Yes

File Size: 

System requirements:
Platform: PC:

98, XP, Vista, 7, 8/8.1, 10

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