World War II Europe V1.0.13 released.

posted in: Dispatch | 0

We just released the latest version of the game. Navigate on Drop Box to the same link I provided you when you purchased, and download the two files.  The larger one is the new version, and the smaller one is a readme text file listing the changes (duplicated below).  Contact me if you have lost the link, and I will provide you the link if you are in our database.


1. Campaign scenarios 81 and 88 have been added.The totals now are 94 complete out of a planned 101. (93%)

2. Remaining scenarios to be built are 1, 26, 33, 95, 98, 100 and 101.

3. Next one to build is in progress, and that is scenario 26.

4. Note that Help files (both htm and Word formats) are included in this release.